Teaser—–Geo Da Silva & Saftik – Hey Mr. Dj Get Up

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Artist: Geo Da Silva and Saftik
Title: Hey Mr. Dj Get Up
Music and Text: Gheorghe Constantin Cristinel
Orchestration and Arrangement : Stefan Marius, Michal Bojanowic, Wiktor Mysliwiec.
Producer:Butterfly International Group S.R.L – Romania, Timisoara
Label: © 2012 Blanco Y Negro S.L. Llacuna 11, 08005, Barcelona, Spain
Publishing: Actual Music S.L. Llacuna 11, 08005, Barcelona, Spain
Album: Todo El Mundo Allegria’ – OUT in June.2012
Contact Geo Da Silva: www.geodasilva.com ,[email protected]
4 Booking and Licensing:
[email protected], [email protected]
Global star DJ/Producer Geo Da Silva and his genuinely brilliant Dj, Saftik released their brand-new song „Hey Mr. Dj Get Up” that comes hot on the heels of 2012.This banger track, released by Blanco Y Negro Spain – International label, will be responsible for such smashes that humanity has never imagined.The song will surely be charted within the tops of all the countries around the world since been reviewed as innovative and revolutionary as The Beatles, Paul McCartney and of course The Rolling Stones have been for the worldwide music. It is an eulogy of all the music revolutionaries (100 Top Djs) and it can’t but peak at number one on the official charts.If anyone had questions whether Geo da Silva could find an adequate follow up to his massive hit „Do you like a truck” then „Hey Mr. Dj Get Up” has answered them. At heart it is a funny disco record, but even a somewhat distracted hearing of the song will tell you this man’s ideas are completely glorious and bright. Songs have rarely been so utterly cheerful. Geo da Silva and Dj Saftik s song is atrociously of a very high quality. We will see for sure Saftik and Geo become even greater award magnets come this beginning of the year, leaving their contemporaries for dust. Geo’s dancefloor-friendly formula has already conquered lots of music lovers and is a relentlessly catchy and super danceable hit, thank mostly of course to the first-rate contribution of Dj Saftik and WaWa.They were incredibly ingenious this time! We have to give them that this time!Click the following link to listen to it and you will surely see how right we are… and then you’ll do it again and again… and then once more: http://youtu.be/Vr4rk3xbeYg
Starul la nivel mondial, DJ si Producer Geo Da Silva si super Dj-ul lui, Saftik au lansat noua lor melodie „Hey Mr. DJ Get Up” care a ajuns in putere pe valul noului an, 2012.
Track-ul acesta exploziv,ce va fi promovat de casa de discuri international spaniola Blanco y Negro, este si va fi, din ce in ce mai mult, responsabilul asa unor party-uri cum in intreaga lume nu s-au mai vazut.
Acest cantec, ce a fost catalogat a fi la fel de innovator precum au fost The Rolling Stones, Beatles-ii sau mai tarziu Paul McCartney pentru muzica mondiala(sansa facand ca acestia sa se regaseasca si in versuri), se va numara cu siguranta in topurile tarilor din jurul lumii.
Fiind un elogiu pentru toti revolutionarii muzicii (mai ales al Top 100 DJs)nu poate ajunge altundeva decat in varfurile chart-urilor oficiale.
Daca cineva a si-a pus vreodata intrebarea daca Geo ar mai fi putut intr-o zi sa gaseasca un urmator hit la fel de masiv ca si „Do You Like a Truck” atunci „Hey Mr. Dj Get Up” este raspunsul. La prima vedere este o inregistrare facuta pentru distractie, dar daca cineva o asculta chiar si superficial poate spune ca ideile acestor oameni sunt incredibil de ingenioase. Rareori melodiile sunt atat de pline de viata, si tot odata o creatie de calitate.
Saftik si Geo vor deveni doi magneti enormi pentru premii incepand cu acest an, datorita acestui hit si a multor altora ce vor veni, lasand contemporanilor lor doar „praful de pe toba” cum se mai spune la noi.
Formula aceasta atat de prietenoasa cu ringurile de dans a lui Geo Da Silva a cucerit deja incredibil de multi iubitori ai muzicii de club, este puternic atragatoare si te face sa dansezi pana la pierderea simturilor, multumita bineinteles si mai ales contributiei de inalt nivel a lui Dj Saftik si WaWa.
Au fost incredibil de ingeniosi de data aceasta! Trebuie sa recunoastem!
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