Categorie: Music

Anda Adam – Para Siempre

FreshlyBaked Playlist:

Composer: Serban Cazan, Smiley, Elena Morosanu
Lyrics: Diana Alexandra Moraru, Elena Morosanu
Publisher: Roton Music Publishing / Ha Ha Ha Production
Rival Film
Directed by: Florin Botea
© & (P) ROTON 2014

Subscribe to your favourite music:
Booking: [email protected]


Verse 1:
Saying i love you would be wrong
If beyond those three words i wouldn’t be your girl
But I’m ready to prove it
Whenever you lose it
Baby count on me
I won’t leave you behind
Got your back all the time

Para siempre a tu lado,
Perdiendo y ganando,
Arriba y abajo
Te seguire amando
Oh- oh- oh para siempre a tu lado,
Oh -oh -oh te seguire amando.

Verse 2:
Sometimes it’s hard to be a man
I can see it within you and I understand
You don’t have to say it
I know how to play it
Baby count on me
I won’t leave you behind
Got your back all the time

And when the walls collide
I’ll stay by your side
I’m yours and you are mine
Together we’ll be fine
And when is getting rough
Love is good enough
Somehow, we’ll work it out
Stronger than before
Lasting evermore, you know
I won’t let you down

Roton Music TV is the channel where hitmakers gather!
With more than 20 years of experience in the music industry, Roton earned its position in the top of the most important labels in Romania.
Starting with 2011, Roton is the Warner Music Licensee for Romania.
The artists we represent are one of the most successful in Romania and also were a huge breakthrough in the international market, topping radio and sales around the world.
Roton is home of artists such as Inna, Fly Project, Akcent, Alexandra Stan, Antonia, Corina, Anda Adam, Amna, Connect-R, Maxim, Sandra N, Radio Killer, Andreea Balan and many more.
We post new amazing videos and hits at least twice a week. Some of our playlists are updated weekly. We update „FreshlyBaked” playlist every Wednesday while „SuperWeekend” is updated every Friday.
Our music is available here so, tune in and enjoy it!

Cortes – Pentru ca

FreshlyBaked Playlist:

Cortes – Pentru Ca
Muzica: Alexandru Craciun
Text: Cosmin Dobrescu, Alexandru Craciun
Editor: Roton Music Publishing
© & (P) 2014 ROTON

foto: Cristi Grigore
artwork: Stefan Zarnescu

Subscribe to your favourite music:
Booking: [email protected]



Asta-i bucata mea de club
E pentru fata de pe cub
Care se pune-n mișcare, după-aia sare călare
Că vrea s-arate că-l are pe trup
Iese la dans, balans nebun
Arde în flăcări, scoate fum
E vinovată de consum
Parcă nu știe să zică „pas” și uite cum
Mor toți după ea
Că-i cuminte până joi, da’ de vinerea devine rea
La ea pe saltea
Mai mereu e du-te vino că doar îl are pe vino-ncoa
Apreciază luxu’
Vrea să îi simtă gustu’
Mi-accelerează pulsu’
Și dacă cineva întreabă de ce, uite răspunsu’:

Pentru că…îi place rău
Îi sar țâțele din tricou
Pentru că…îi place show-u’
Dă din fund, se rupe rău
Pentru că…îi place tare
Și culcată, și-n picioare
Pentru că…își rupe capu’
Domnișoara-i dată dracu’ (x2)

Umblă vorba peste tot
Că domnișoara face tot
Vede sexu’ ca un sport
Pare bună fără să depună prea mare efort
Mereu e prima-n clasament
Că are mult antrenament
Se mișcă repede sau lent
Face orice fraier să devină dependent
Că n-are vreo rușine
Vrea mult să stea pe vine
Nu-i trebuie vitamine
Dă pe gât pahare pline
Că nu se poate-abține
Îi place la înălțime
Când trage linii fine
Vrea să facem mini-filme

Pentru că…îi place rău
Îi sar țâțele din tricou
Pentru că…îi place show-u’
Dă din fund, se rupe rău
Pentru că…îi place tare
Și culcată, și-n picioare
Pentru că…își rupe capu’
Domnișoara-i dată dracu’ (x2)

Roton Music TV is the channel where hitmakers gather!
With more than 20 years of experience in the music industry, Roton earned its position in the top of the most important labels in Romania.
Starting with 2011, Roton is the Warner Music Licensee for Romania.
The artists we represent are one of the most successful in Romania and also were a huge breakthrough in the international market, topping radio and sales around the world.
Roton is home of artists such as Inna, Fly Project, Akcent, Alexandra Stan, Antonia, Corina, Anda Adam, Amna, Connect-R, Maxim, Sandra N, Radio Killer, Andreea Balan and many more.
We post new amazing videos and hits at least twice a week. Some of our playlists are updated weekly. We update „FreshlyBaked” playlist every Wednesday while „SuperWeekend” is updated every Friday.
Our music is available here so, tune in and enjoy it!

Cortes – Natural

FreshlyBaked Playlist:

Cortes – Natural
Muzica: Cosmin Dobrescu, Cristian Maier, Alexandru Craciun
Text: Cosmin Dobrescu
Editor: Roton Music Publishing
© & (P) 2014 ROTON

foto: Cristi Grigore
artwork: Stefan Zarnescu

Subscribe to your favourite music:
Booking: [email protected]



Natural baby…ca-ntotdeauna

O ard pimpin’, pe stradă-mi pierd timpii
N-am GPS că mă ghidez doar după principii
Cu-ai mei grei mă plimb printre-ai tăi, cei simpli
Și nu mă schimb atâta timp cât tu mă vrei tipic
Îi dau play lu’ Biggie, cu degetele sticky
Și ochii Red ca Viky, cu focus clar pe femei kinky
Și sexy, ce stau ținute-n lesă des ca Lassie
De un MC bun cu sensibilitate mare la sensi
Și dacă nu știi despre cine vorbesc
Află despre mine doar că mi se zice Cortes
Nu știu să mă opresc, mai nou apar în top des
Ca domnii să ridice mâinile și fiicele să pice topless
E un joc complex, da’ io-l câștig prin simplitate
Am afinitate pentru fin și finalitate
Am credibilitate că sunt pus pe fapte
Să fiu altu’ peste noapte nu există posibilitate

Că ăsta sunt eu, și nu mă schimbi tu
Nu mă schimbă vremea, nu mă schimbă timpu’
O dau simplu, original
Tot ce fac și ce spun e pe bune, natural (x2)

Mă las purtat de val, asta mi-e natura
Mă duce peste bolte ca să îmi dezvolte latura
Sensibilă, e vizibil că va mai dura
De-acum încă ceva până seva se va evapora
De-aia încă scriu, din zori până târziu
Precis pe pix ca un chirurg pe bisturiu
Mai am puțin s-ajung unde vreau să fiu
Până atunci îi dau bice ca un vizitiu pe bidiviu
Cât sunt viu, o să insist
Vin să te previn că vreau să-mbin culoare-n business
Adică peste universu’ care-o arde gri închis
Pun un pic de verde, zici că vin de la Green Peace
Nimeni nu m-a trimis, apar rapid la tine-n minte ca un flash
Mă plătești fără bani în conturi că îi vreau cash
Iau ce-i al meu, știi că nu am cum să dau greș
Când atâția transpiră la greu, eu stau fresh

Că ăsta sunt eu, și nu mă schimbi tu
Nu mă schimbă vremea, nu mă schimbă timpu’
O dau simplu, original
Tot ce fac și ce spun e pe bune, natural (x2)

Roton Music TV is the channel where hitmakers gather!
With more than 20 years of experience in the music industry, Roton earned its position in the top of the most important labels in Romania.
Starting with 2011, Roton is the Warner Music Licensee for Romania.
The artists we represent are one of the most successful in Romania and also were a huge breakthrough in the international market, topping radio and sales around the world.
Roton is home of artists such as Inna, Fly Project, Akcent, Alexandra Stan, Antonia, Corina, Anda Adam, Amna, Connect-R, Maxim, Sandra N, Radio Killer, Andreea Balan and many more.
We post new amazing videos and hits at least twice a week. Some of our playlists are updated weekly. We update „FreshlyBaked” playlist every Wednesday while „SuperWeekend” is updated every Friday.
Our music is available here so, tune in and enjoy it!

Cortes feat. Connect-R – Vedeta mea

FreshlyBaked Playlist:

Cortes feat. Connect-R – Vedeta Mea
Muzica: Razvan Matache, Connect-R
Text: Cosmin Dobrescu, Connect-R
Editor: Roton Music Publishing
© & (P) 2013 ROTON

foto: Cristi Grigore
artwork: Stefan Zarnescu

Subscribe to your favourite music:
Booking: [email protected]



Ca tine nu e niciuna
Am vrut să-ți dau și luna
Da’ tu nu stai nici la soare
Îți place lumina de la reflectoare
Eu ți-am oferit de toate
Da’ nu m-am gândit că poate
Dintre toate cele visate
Cel mai mult vrei celebritate
Voiam să-ți fac logodnă, să te duc sus, pe muntele Athos
Da’ la câte păcate aveai, să ne cunune putea doar Capatos
E haos, că știu că filmu’ are un final
Dar i-auzi, regizoru’ sunt eu, pierzi rolu’ principal

Ai fost vedeta mea
Un star de cinema
Și m-ai vrăjit cumva
Cu-acel je ne sais quoi
Ai fost vedeta mea
Un star de cinema
Dar a venit cineva
Și ți-a luat strălucirea

Ca tine nu vezi tot timpu’
Am vrut să-ți pictez și chipu’
Da’ tu vrei s-apari în imagini
Și-alea să fie pe primele pagini
Eu ți-am oferit o casă
O viață fără riscuri
Da’ nu m-am gândit că de fapt
Tu vrei o viață-n casa de discuri

Și erai steaua mea și lângă tine eram teafăr
Erai atât de stea încât te puteam chema luceafăr
Și am să spun cuiva să-ți dea cumva de știre
Că stelele când sunt prea sus, își pierd din strălucire

Ai fost vedeta mea
Un star de cinema
Și m-ai vrăjit cumva
Cu-acel je ne sais quoi
Ai fost vedeta mea
Un star de cinema
Dar a venit cineva
Și ți-a luat strălucirea (x2)

Roton Music TV is the channel where hitmakers gather!
With more than 20 years of experience in the music industry, Roton earned its position in the top of the most important labels in Romania.
Starting with 2011, Roton is the Warner Music Licensee for Romania.
The artists we represent are one of the most successful in Romania and also were a huge breakthrough in the international market, topping radio and sales around the world.
Roton is home of artists such as Inna, Fly Project, Akcent, Alexandra Stan, Antonia, Corina, Anda Adam, Amna, Connect-R, Maxim, Sandra N, Radio Killer, Andreea Balan and many more.
We post new amazing videos and hits at least twice a week. Some of our playlists are updated weekly. We update „FreshlyBaked” playlist every Wednesday while „SuperWeekend” is updated every Friday.
Our music is available here so, tune in and enjoy it!

Jean Gavril – Lectie de chitara (ep. 3)

FreshlyBaked Playlist:

Subscribe to your favourite music:


Filmat in studioul Roton
DOP si Montaj: Mihai Ardelean
(c) 2014 ROTON

Roton Music TV is the channel where hitmakers gather!
With more than 20 years of experience in the music industry, Roton earned its position in the top of the most important labels in Romania.
Starting with 2011, Roton is the Warner Music Licensee for Romania.
The artists we represent are one of the most successful in Romania and also were a huge breakthrough in the international market, topping radio and sales around the world.
Roton is home of artists such as Inna, Fly Project, Akcent, Alexandra Stan, Antonia, Corina, Anda Adam, Amna, Connect-R, Maxim, Sandra N, Radio Killer, Andreea Balan and many more.
We post new amazing videos and hits at least twice a week. Some of our playlists are updated weekly. We update „FreshlyBaked” playlist every Wednesday while „SuperWeekend” is updated every Friday.
Our music is available here so, tune in and enjoy it!

Bibanu MixXL feat. Anda Dimitriu – Visez (Official Music Video)

FreshlyBaked Playlist:

Bibanu MixXL feat. Anda Dimitriu – Visez
Muzica: Bibanu MixXL, Boier Bibescu, Alexandra Dimitriu
Text: Bibanu MixXL
Editor: Roton Music Publishing
© & (P) 2014 ROTON

Subscribe to your favourite music:
Booking: [email protected]



Imi place pe-afara
Dar parca e bine si pe-aici prin tara
Si strainii au invatat sa ceara
Nu ne mai confunda pe toti cu hoti prin gara
Am pe TV doar 5 canale
Care spun de oameni mari si de animale
Ma bucur ca nu mai sunt legale
Ca auzeam rompopopom si pe la tribunale
Pe Sisu l-au inchis pentru iarba bro’
CEC-ul da milioane parca la misto
Daca ai noroc sa fii presedinte
Iei pamant ca nu mai ai ce vinde

Si zboara ca totul se poate
Dar nu da din aripi cat ai pene pe spate
Vrei filme porno fa-le-n dormitor…
Ca sunt prea multe barfe la televizor

Visez si cu ochii deschisi cateodata
Doar cand Visez, reusesc sa traiesc, pot sa iubesc

Toti ne dorim sa fim cineva
Si mintim pana cand se va intampla
Chiar sa faci si sa lasi ceva in urma ta
Macar un copil mandru de familia sa
Ca avem multi campioni pe-afara
Dar si slapisti miserupisti ca-n tara
Orice se poate chiar sa muti munti
Mai suni un frate dar sa fiti multi
Cand erai mic voiai sa devii militian
Ai crescut un pic dar un pic golan
Ai invatat sa faci bani si-ai ajuns politician
Si-acum te ascunzi de frica lui Traian
Si zboara ca totul se poate
Dar nu da din aripi cat ai pene pe spate
Vrei filme porno fa-le-n dormitor…
Ca sunt prea multe barfe la televizor

Roton Music TV is the channel where hitmakers gather!
With more than 20 years of experience in the music industry, Roton earned its position in the top of the most important labels in Romania.
Starting with 2011, Roton is the Warner Music Licensee for Romania.
The artists we represent are one of the most successful in Romania and also were a huge breakthrough in the international market, topping radio and sales around the world.
Roton is home of artists such as Inna, Fly Project, Akcent, Alexandra Stan, Antonia, Corina, Anda Adam, Amna, Connect-R, Maxim, Sandra N, Radio Killer, Andreea Balan and many more.
We post new amazing videos and hits at least twice a week. Some of our playlists are updated weekly. We update „FreshlyBaked” playlist every Wednesday while „SuperWeekend” is updated every Friday.
Our music is available here so, tune in and enjoy it!

Beatrice – Bad Girl (Official Music Video)

FreshlyBaked Playlist:

Beatrice – Bad Girl
Written by: Dave James (PRS) and Keith Beauvais (PRS)
Published by: Audio Network Limited (PRS)
© & (P) 2014 ROTON

Video – directed by: Popescu Silvia
Edited by: Pacuraru Andrei
DOP: Ene Constantin
Screenwriter: Carlan Elena
Styling: Ioana Ieremia
Vestimentatia: H&M, Rever

Subscribe to your favourite music:
Booking: [email protected]



I speak my mind and I don’t care
Express myself, with a frozen glare
I tell you, ‘cause I’m no angel

Play with me, you play with fire
Cause I still come with a warning sign
Oh baby, I’m no angel

I didn’t wanna be daddy’s girl
I played that part for too long
I never wanted to settle down
I’m just gonna have fun…

Who’s a bad girl now
Who’s a bad girl now
Who’s a bad girl now
I’m such a bad, bad girl

Got fancy nails, I did my hair
I live my life like a millionaire
I’m loaded and I control it

A girl like me will take you on
Just be aware, I get what I want
I tell you, no I’m no angel

I didn’t wanna be daddy’s girl
I played that part for too long
I never wanted to settle down
I’m just gonna have fun…

Who’s a bad girl now
Who’s a bad girl now
Who’s a bad girl now
I’m such a bad, bad girl

Who’s a bad girl now
I’m such a bad, bad girl
Who’s a bad girl now
I’m such a bad, bad girl

Who’s a bad girl now

Roton Music TV is the channel where hitmakers gather!
With more than 20 years of experience in the music industry, Roton earned its position in the top of the most important labels in Romania.
Starting with 2011, Roton is the Warner Music Licensee for Romania.
The artists we represent are one of the most successful in Romania and also were a huge breakthrough in the international market, topping radio and sales around the world.
Roton is home of artists such as Inna, Fly Project, Akcent, Alexandra Stan, Antonia, Corina, Anda Adam, Amna, Connect-R, Maxim, Sandra N, Radio Killer, Andreea Balan and many more.
We post new amazing videos and hits at least twice a week. Some of our playlists are updated weekly. We update „FreshlyBaked” playlist every Wednesday while „SuperWeekend” is updated every Friday.
Our music is available here so, tune in and enjoy it!

Ciprian Robu feat. Blanche – Para Ti y Para Mi (Official Music Video)

FreshlyBaked Playlist:

Ciprian Robu feat. Blanche – Para Ti y Para Mi
Muzica: Ciprian Robu
Text: Ciprian Robu, Raluca-Teodora Albu
Editor: Roton Music Publishing
© & (P) 2014 ROTON

Subscribe to your favourite music:
Booking: [email protected]



Verse 1:
Y-y sigue la no-no-noche
Soñada de mi corazón
To-to-toda la ge-ge-gente
Baila y canta con mucha pasión

Para ti, para mi, para ti y para mi
Para ti, para mi, para ti y para
Para ti, para mi, para ti y para mi
Para ti, para mi, para ti y para

Verse 2:
La fiesta en mi corazón
To-to-toda no-no-noche
La voy a cambiar y te voy a cantar la canción

Para ti, para mi, para ti y para mi
Para ti, para mi, para ti y para
Para ti, para mi, para ti y para mi
Para ti, para mi, para ti y para

Verse 3:
Y-y sigue la no-no-noche
Soñada de mi corazón
To-to-toda la ge-ge-gente
Baila y canta con mucha pasión

Para ti, para mi, para ti y para mi
Para ti, para mi, para ti y para
Para ti, para mi, para ti y para mi
Para ti, para mi, para ti y para

Roton Music TV is the channel where hitmakers gather!
With more than 20 years of experience in the music industry, Roton earned its position in the top of the most important labels in Romania.
Starting with 2011, Roton is the Warner Music Licensee for Romania.
The artists we represent are one of the most successful in Romania and also were a huge breakthrough in the international market, topping radio and sales around the world.
Roton is home of artists such as Inna, Fly Project, Akcent, Alexandra Stan, Antonia, Corina, Anda Adam, Amna, Connect-R, Maxim, Sandra N, Radio Killer, Andreea Balan and many more.
We post new amazing videos and hits at least twice a week. Some of our playlists are updated weekly. We update „FreshlyBaked” playlist every Wednesday while „SuperWeekend” is updated every Friday.
Our music is available here so, tune in and enjoy it!

Jean Gavril – Lectie de chitara (ep. 2)

FreshlyBaked Playlist:
Subscribe to your favourite music:


Filmat in studioul Roton
DOP si Montaj: Mihai Ardelean
(c) 2014 ROTON

Roton Music TV is the channel where hitmakers gather!
With more than 20 years of experience in the music industry, Roton earned its position in the top of the most important labels in Romania.
Starting with 2011, Roton is the Warner Music Licensee for Romania.
The artists we represent are one of the most successful in Romania and also were a huge breakthrough in the international market, topping radio and sales around the world.
Roton is home of artists such as Inna, Fly Project, Akcent, Alexandra Stan, Antonia, Corina, Anda Adam, Amna, Connect-R, Maxim, Sandra N, Radio Killer, Andreea Balan and many more.
We post new amazing videos and hits at least twice a week. Some of our playlists are updated weekly. We update „FreshlyBaked” playlist every Wednesday while „SuperWeekend” is updated every Friday.
Our music is available here so, tune in and enjoy it!

Raluka – Never Give Up (Lyric Video)

Subscribe to your favourite music:…
Booking: [email protected]

FreshlyBaked Playlist:

Raluka – Never give up
Muzica si text : Filipidescu Adrian Viorel, Eugen Ghenghea, Silviu Cristian Tudor, Tudor Ionescu, Daniel Denes
Editor: Roton Music Publishing
© & (P) 2014 ROTON

Concerte/Booking Raluka Romania:
Cristi Ochiu (Forward Agency)
0746 22 44 99 / [email protected]



Do you remember when you kissed me for the first time
I still remember your smell is on my mind
I love the way you’re lying love the way you’re crying love the way you’re smiling
Do you remember when we laughed till the morning sun
I still remember your face is on my mind
I love you when in the sunlight love you in the moonlight love you in the starlight

I will never ever ever give up on you x 2
I will never give up on you never give up on you never give up on you
I will never ever ever give up on you x 2
I will never give up on you never give up on you never give up on you

Do you remember when you kissed me for the first time
I still remember your smell is on my mind
I love the way you’re lying love the way you’re crying love the way you’re smiling
Do you remember when we laughed till the morning sun
I still remember your face is on my mind
I love you when in the sunlight love you in the moonlight love you in the starlight

I will never ever ever give up on you x 2
I will never give up on you never give up on you never give up on you
I will never ever ever give up on you x 2
I will never give up on you never give up on you never give up on you

Roton Music TV is the channel where hitmakers gather!
With more than 20 years of experience in the music industry, Roton earned its position in the top of the most important labels in Romania.
Starting with 2011, Roton is the Warner Music Licensee for Romania.
The artists we represent are one of the most successful in Romania and also were a huge breakthrough in the international market, topping radio and sales around the world.
Roton is home of artists such as Inna, Fly Project, Akcent, Alexandra Stan, Antonia, Corina, Anda Adam, Amna, Connect-R, Maxim, Sandra N, Radio Killer, Andreea Balan and many more.
We post new amazing videos and hits at least twice a week. Some of our playlists are updated weekly. We update „FreshlyBaked” playlist every Wednesday while „SuperWeekend” is updated every Friday.
Our music is available here so, tune in and enjoy it!